Edition 54, Finance

CKD: un vistazo a los retos para la inversión en capital privado en México

CKDs un vistazo a los retos para la inversión en Capital Privado en MéxicoPor: Valeria Nieto
Exalumna de Ingeniería Industrial

En términos simples, el capital privado se invierte en recursos en fondos, compañías o en proyectos no bursátiles a largo plazo

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Edition 53, Finance

Investment Advisors

By: Yolanda Espinosa

The role of the investment advisor has gained considerable importance in Mexico in recent years. The total amount of assets under management has actually quadrupled in the last decade.


Edition 52, Finance

Financing in Mexico

By: Jorge Sánchez

One of the objectives of the financial reform is the reactivation of the financial market to make it grow. Starting with the diagnosis that there is a low level of financing to the private sector in Mexico – it is the country where there is the least amount of lending, despite having one of the most solid robust financial systems in the world.

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