Edition 43, Marketing

Customer Equity, or the Value of Customers

By: Philippe Bisson


1. Intangible assets

Intangible assets are those that a company normally does not enter on its balance sheet. In recent years, many companies have invested heavily in marketing programs, and minor amounts in fixed productive assets (which are entered on the books in the form of depreciation). The book value of a company does not take this value or equity into account. The most common intangible assets are the following:

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Edition 43, Marketing

Scenario Planning and to Successfully Use it in Marketing

By: Rogerio Domenge

The modern company faces complex situations that require not just short-term day-to-day decisions, but also strategic decisions whose impact will be felt over the long term. Short-term decisions, based on criteria like operating efficiency and effectiveness, are generally reactive in nature, intended to correct some problem. For example, a reduction in sales, an increase in the number of service quality claims or complaints about product defects. In contrast, strategic decisions have to do with the company’s long-term vision, and must take into account the circumstances and dynamics surrounding the company, as well as their impact on it.

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Edition 42, Marketing

Online Performance of Mobile Phone Services in Mexico

By: Edmundo Ramírez

Agustín Castañeda

Master Research

According to Master Research, Telcel’s website generates 1,290,000 visitors, or hits, per month, followed by Nextel with 402,000, Movistar with 396,000, Iusacel with 260,000 and Unefon with 95,000.

Comparative data from March 2011 to March 2012 indicate that Nextel was the operator with the greatest increase in the number of hits, with an increase of 95%, whereas Telcel fell by 16.5% and Movistar by 22%.

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