Entrepreneurship, Edición 56

Nonmarket Factors and the Commercialization of New Technology

By: Claudia González

How and why does someone decide to start a business? Normally, the entrepreneurial process arises with an innovative idea of a product or service. The first thing that entrepreneurs do is to decide if their idea is worthwhile. Is it really a good idea? Is the product or service viable from the technological point of view? Is it going to sell? What results does market research reveal?

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Entrepreneurship, Edition 55, Marketing

How Companies Are Born

Cómo nacen las empresasBy: Nomara Parra, Alejandra Barroeta y Tatiana Petrone

To understand what happens in Mexico when speaking of “entrepreneurship” – in addition to defining who are entrepreneurs – it is important to learn what the entrepreneurial ecosystem is and what elements comprise it.The entrepreneur is part of a system, like a leaf of a tree, or a tree in a forest. The panorama is filled with those who work, those who are the innovators and those who are dedicated to offering goods and services: the companies.


Entrepreneurship, Edition 54

Pioneros en el ecosistema emprendedor: Angel Ventures México

Pioneros en el ecosistema emprendedor Angel Ventures México 1Por: Nomara Parra
Angel Ventures México

Todo comenzó en 2008, cuando cuatro amigos, Hernán Fernández, Alberto Osio, Christian y Olivier Meade, regresaron a México después de haber cursado sus maestrías en el extranjero.

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