By: Agustín Castañeda
Director of Competitive Intelligence Master Research
In a highly competitive business environment, where companies of different sizes and sectors participate standing out is winning half the battle to gain new clients, maintain the current ones, and of course, acquire greater market share.
Companies seek to develop sustainable competitive advantages representing a plus in their clients and consumer’s eyes whether in the product they purchase or in the service they receive. Technological developments and the expansion of global commerce have caused the business environment to evolve more quickly causing executives to not only trust in their instinct or intuition when making strategic decisions for their business. Nowadays, a wrong decision can potentially cause a company to pull out of the market.
Competitive Intelligence in Businesses
Director of Competitive Intelligence Master Research
In a highly competitive business environment, where companies of different sizes and sectors participate standing out is winning half the battle to gain new clients, maintain the current ones, and of course, acquire greater market share.
Companies seek to develop sustainable competitive advantages representing a plus in their clients and consumer’s eyes whether in the product they purchase or in the service they receive. Technological developments and the expansion of global commerce have caused the business environment to evolve more quickly causing executives to not only trust in their instinct or intuition when making strategic decisions for their business. Nowadays, a wrong decision can potentially cause a company to pull out of the market.
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