By: Agustín Castañeda and Edmundo Ramírez
Googling, engagement, profiles, followers, “like” and hashtag have become everyday expressions among 40 millions active cybernauts in Mexico, which means they are elements of contemporary life that company directors should know how to manage.
The use of smartphones brought of global revolution in the way we consume the content of social networks and the time we spend using them. In Mexico, according to the Mexican Internet Association (AMIPCI), 68% of people who connected the Internet use PCs, 67% from laptops and nearly a quarter of them connect through smartphones. On average, the executive segment alone spent three and a half hours a day browsing the Internet in 2010.
Effective Collection in Periods of Crisis
Debts are not like good wine; they don’t get better with age.
Robert Dickinson, English barrister
How many times have we heard the phrase “A sale isn’t closed until it’s collected?” In effect, the ultimate goal of every financial administrator is to optimize the company’s cash flows, and relates directly to maximizing the company’s value. A steady increase in sales is important, but it is also essential to verify that the buyer has enough money to pay; this will ensure that the primordial purpose of every organization is fulfilled.
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