Accounting, Edición 47

Some thoughts on the IASB’s Conceptual Framework Discussion Paper

Proyecto de revisión del Marco conceptual del IASBBy: Sandra Minaburo
Director of the Accounting Research Center

Among the projects that the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) have worked on together is, dating back to 2004, the joint project regarding changes to the Conceptual Framework, which so far has undergone many adjustments.

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Edición 47, Strategy

Democratizar la Productividad Transita por Ruta Crítica.
Ruta Crítica de un Plan de Productividad

Ruta crítica de un plan de productividadPor: Carlos Amtmann

El objetivo principal de una nación es conseguir un alto y creciente nivel de vida para sus ciudadanos. La actitud para hacerlo depende de la productividad con la que se empleen la mano de obra y el capital.

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Edición 47, Strategy

Massive Online Open Courses: MOOC

Los cursos en línea abiertos al público cobran mayor fuerza en los últimos díasBy: Martín Casillas de Alba

Never in the history of humankind have we had an offer of global knowledge as in our days. With the improvement of the bandwidth and the growth of Internet users (2,400 million users in the world, 45 million of whom are Mexican), in the last couple of years institutions such as the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and other institutions of higher education have put courses on the web that anyone can view for free.

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